In the chain of beautiful temples Goenka Shivalay is one of the brightest name. Being one of the oldest, it…

It is said that Princess Gul and Prince Bahar used to hide under the tunnels by the riverside in order…

Very close to Kastaharni Ghat there is another place of interest called. Manpathar. It is a rock in the bed…

In the sixth century after Christ, a Hindu sage, named Inner View of Kastaharni Ghat Mudgal Muni, appeared in the…

Chandika Sthan is a temple situated in Munger, in the Indian States and territories of India” state of Bihar. It…

In the present fort area the oldest building inside the fort is a sacred Muhammdan shrine built on an elevated…

The one Place, which puts Munger on the one of the most visited place, is known as “Sita-Kund”. This place…