
How to Reach

Distance between Patna to Munger and mode of travel.

The distance from Patna to Munger is approximately 175.07 kms. It takes roughly 3hours & 30 minutes to reach Munger from Patna .

Reach Patna to Munger by train.

Take a Train from Patna Junction (PNBE) to reach Jamalpur Junction (JMP). Patna Junction (PNBE) to Jamalpur Junction (JMP) train takes approximately 3h 21m. Take a Taxi from Jamalpur Junction (JMP) to reach Munger. It will take you around 0h 20 minutes to cover distance of 7.53 kms.

Reach Patna to Munger by Bus.

One Can reach Munger from Patna by taking a Bus from Gandhi maidan. The total travel time is around 4 Hours 30 minutes.