
District Profile

Munger District at a glance
Latitude 860  21’ E to 860 42’ E
Longitude 240 57’ N to 250 29’ N
Height from Sea level 30 to 65 Meters (msl)
Geographical area (sq. km)
No. of Villages (inhabited) 903
No. of Villages electrified 534
No. of Nagar Nigam 01
No. of Nagar Parishad 01
No. of Nagar Panchayat 01
No. of Villages 861
No. of Police Station 14
No. of T.O.P 10
No. of O.P 2
Population (As per 2011 census) 13,67,765
Urban Area Population 317,847
Rural Area Population 72.1%
Total Male Population 53.23%
Total Female Population 46.75%
Total Literacy Population 70.46 %
Total Literacy Male Population 77.74 %
Total Literacy Female Population 62.08 %
Total Literacy Population 76.87%
Total Literacy Urban Male Population 83.97%
Total Literacy Urban Female Population 68.64%
Total Literacy  Rural Population 53.35%
Total Literacy Rural Male Population 65.29%
Total Literacy Rural Female Population 39.69%
Sex Ratio 876 Female /1000 Male
Sex Ratio Urban 879 Female /1000 Male
Sex Ratio Rural 875 Female / 1000 Male
Sex Ratio Among Children 0-6 Year 922 Girls / 1000 Boy
Sex Ratio Urban Among Children 0-6 Year 948 Girls /1000 Boy
Sex Ratio Rural Among Children 0-6 Year 905 Girls /1000 Boy
Average Rainfall 1231 Millimeters (Average of 53 Years)
Actual Rainfall 1115.7 Millimeters (Average of 53 Years)
Population Density 964/
Population Increase /Ten Years 20.21%
Land Utilization (Give the latest available data)
Cultivable Area 8600 ha.
Net Sown Area (in ha.) 0308 ha.
Forest 2375.9 ha.
Fallow Land (in ha.) 292 ha.
Land not avail. for cultivation (in ha.) 488.
Irrigation (in ha.)
Net Irrigation Area 2514.5 ha.
By Canals 0258.00 ha.
By Wells  57.20 ha.
By Other Sources ( Specify) Tube Well 695.40
Pond 09.50
Lift Irrigation 033.30
Others 849.10 ha.
Medium Irrigation 212.00 ha.
Animal Husbandry (As per 1982 Census)
Plough Animals 8238
Dairy Animals 0564
Cow 3327
Buffaloes 20564
Pig 4008
Calf 10905
Sheep/Goat 12279/97135
Poultry 48800
Hindu Population 1252319
Muslim Population 110416
Christian Population 1815
Sikh Population 338
Buddhist Population 95
Jain Population 145
Other Population 61